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Crowd Pleasers N. DFW Showcase is now online. Thank you for your
All sales are final. After orders have been shipped no refunds will be
issued. Photos damaged in shipping will be reprinted.
To locate your photos, review the photo directory for 1) Day of event 2)
Area of competition 3) Time of performance. This is the order the photos
are sorted in. Times are listed in half hour increments using military
time. For times after 12 O'clock noon, add 12 to the time. Example:
1300 is 1 pm. 1800 is 6 pm.
Routines performed at 1830 may be in the 1800-1830 time slot or in the
1830-1900 time slot. Please check both time slots if your dancer
performed at the top or bottom of the hour.
Please don't hesitate to call, text, or send an email. I will respond as
soon as I can.